2023/24 LIFE MEMBER Mark Cranwell

Congratulations Mark Cranwell on Life Membership.
Playing Service : 1992-1996, 1997-1999 and 2009-2024

Matches : 188 matches
Batting : 2906 runs highest score 84 (2016/17 3XI) 75 (Vets 09/10) 74 (1XI 93/94) 71 (2XI 13/14)
Bowling : 2/20 (1XI 94/95)
Wicket keeping stats :  161 catches, 32 stumpings and involved in 27 run outs.
2nd XI Captain : 2014/15 and 2015/16
Premierships :  2010/11 3XI VTCA NORTH C1,  2013/14 2XI VTCA NORTH , 2016/17 VTCA SENIOR 2NDS
Non playing service to club: 

Vice President/Committee service 13/14 15/16

Blasters Coach 17/18 19/20

Under 13 Coach  22/23